Friday, October 19, 2007

Creative Competition

Recently, Robbie Cobb and I teamed up on a creative challenge for AAF Greenville's call for entries poster for the 2008 Addy Awards. The theme for this year is "REVOLUTION" -

Revolt –

You may have noticed that the period here is blank. If you haven't figured it out, this is where your work would go - right inside this blank space. That is to say that of all these great ads throughout the history of advertising, yours would be at the forefront of them all. Your ad is the next greatest idea (for real). So get off your ass and lead the revolution, because it's here and happening with or without you. Chug your coffee, grab your pens, pencils, and brainstorming buddies, and blow out that copy until your heart's content (even if it's just a smidge too much.)

Propaganda –

My God, Your Work is Revolting! -

Have you ever heard the phrase, “you’re only as good as your work?”

Well, if you haven’t you should take heed because it’s true. As soon as your company name drops, you’re being judged based on the quality of the work it produces. So, is what you’re doing smart? Is it revolutionary? Are you turning heads or turning stomachs?

Let’s see how you measure up.

Revolution -

We will find out if one of our posters were chosen sometime next month, so for now we're keeping our fingers crossed. Feel free to cast your vote for your favorite.

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