Thursday, September 20, 2007

Things that make me laugh.

It's a great feeling. When something unexpected makes you laugh - especially out loud.

For me, it's almost always the little things. For instance, I love those pictures where two people are squeezing in so tightly so they'll fit in the frame; only, there's far more than enough room for them to just be to each other. Not squeezing in like a fool.

I also think the bag boy at the new downtown Publix is funny. I'm punching buttons on the card reader when he says, "Nice hair, man."
"Thanks." Not very creative or insightful on my end.
"Yeah," he says, "there are only so many people who can pull that look off."
I think it's particularly funny that he says this because I've never really thought of my hair or hairstyle as much more than...well, hair. Mind you, all of this is happening in the checkout line. After this slightly weird interaction, he offers - no, no, no; offer is the wrong word. I would say insists - he insists on taking my bags to the car for me. I've never felt so lazy and awkward. It could only have been worse if the walk to the car had been lined with starving orphans, and the bag boy (didn't catch his name) was feeding me grapes as we strolled to the car. Yeah, it was strange. Good Publix though.

There are some pretty awesome upcoming shows (local to me) that I'm planning to go to; as well as, suggesting that you join me/us. Just send me a message if you're interested.

Bob Dylan and Elvis Costello - Clemson, SC
The New Pornographers - Asheville, NC
Rilo Kiley - Asheville, NC
Joanna Newsom - Atlanta, GA
M.I.A. - Atlanta, GA
A Prairie Home Companion - Charlotte, NC

Today's suggested iTunes download -
The New Pornographers
The Bleeding Heart Show
from the album: Twin Cinema

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