Thursday, September 20, 2007

Upcoming look goods.

Eastern Promises

A new film by David Cronenberg. The film is a story about the Russian mafia set against a back drop of dreary London back-alleys. One thing to beware of: If it is anything like Cronenberg's other films, there will be graphic sex, violence, and/or nudity. Generally a good director though. He isn't as strong with directing the performances of the actors; however, his films are generally very high concept and, generally, those concepts are nearly always engaging and provocative.

The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford

Interesting looking biopic of the outlaw Jesse James and how he met his untimely demise. Some will complain that the film is slowly paced and it may very well be; however, this film was never intended to be your run of the mill, shoot 'em up western. It seems meant to be much more methodical and calculated, and most likely for a more mature audience set. The director is Andrew Dominik, who is a new comer. In fact it is only his second film, and it seems that no one has ever heard of the first (I know I haven't.) The thing that excites me about the film (apart from the story) is the cinematography. I could tell from the trailer that the film is beautifully shot. When I looked up who the director of photography (cinematographer) was, it came as no surprise that it would be a beautiful film. His name is Roger Deakins who's credentials include:

No Country for Old Men
The Village
House of Sand and Fog
O Brother, Where Art Thou?
The Big Lebowski
Rob Roy
The Shawshank Redemption
and Barton Fink

All of these movies contain striking imagery and beautiful compositions, so I'm pretty excited about it. I'm hoping they are as good as the trailers make them seem to be.

1 comment:

south of tarnation said...

have you seen "no country for old men?" that's on my list - saw the preview at cherrydale last week. oh, last week's upstate film society: my faves were the blind guy, the divorcing older couple (favorite line was "bitch"), the middle aged woman who went to france alone and was talking about it, and the african american man who died as the female paramedic realized who he was. THANK YOU for the heads-up to go see it.